Thursday, September 18, 2008


An epic, in my words, would have to be something of great length, importance, or magnitude, along the lines of that. Something of "epic" proportions. An emotion perhaps. Something that would be challenging, and would take a long while to overcome, or maybe not. Something of great importance to the being. An epic battle, a certain moment, a heated fight, a secret love affair. It will go down in history to the being that experienced it. The being will recall whatever it is without hesitation. Fiery emotion! Not just a moment in time, but an epic moment. Not just a tragedy, but an epic tragedy. Something huge. Doesn't have to be a long, but is mind blowing in a way. Shock and awe. Sadness and awesome force. I also think that epic is a word that doesn't necessarily have to deal with huge things. Little things can make a big difference!

1. A heated moment.

Lines 254 - 259
"By this scepter I swear:
When every last Greek desperately misses Achilles,
Your remorse won't do any good then,
When Hector the man-killer swats you down like flies.
And you will eat your heart out
Because YOU failed to honor the best Greek of All."

2. Something of great length, importance, etc...

Lines 318-319
"So it was a stand-off, their battle of words
And the assembly beside the Greek ships dissolved."

Lines 61 - 65
"Nine days the god's arrows rained death on the camp.
On the tenth day Achilles called an assembly.
Hera, the white-armed goddess, planted the thought in him
Because she cared for the Greeks and it pained her
To see them dying."

3. Strong emotion

Lines 217-220
"I came to see if I could check this temper of yours,
Sent from heaven by the white-armed goddess
Hera, who loves you and watches over both of you men.
Now come on, drop this quarrel, don't draw your sword."

I choose a couple of photos that somehow, in a strange way remind me of "epic".

There are many emotions going on is this photograph. I don't really understand why I choose this particular photo. I think it has to do with friendship and how there are many epic moments in a friendship or, an epic friendship. I love how the two girls are pumping the water for their other friends, while touching the other girl's face. Something about this picture just screams importance to me.

Heres a good example of strong emotion. Something so simple, but so strong and straight forward. Someone is clearly stating their opinion, that I am all for. You know their point exactly. Something epic. Something I will remember, honestly, for forever.

Here is one of my favorite photos. History in the making. It's just simply, Amazing. Beautiful. Breathtaking. E-P-I-C.

This photo is grotesquely beautiful. ( If you couldn't tell all ready, she was hit by a car, and split in half ) She doesn't look dead, which is again, sadly beautiful. But she is dead... This photo reminds me of "epic" for many reasons. Think what the photographer felt. His emotions. Imagine the person who hit the woman. Feel their emotions as they realize they killed someone. They will surely never forget that for as long as they live. A short, but epic moment, changed someone's life forever.