Sunday, August 31, 2008

my public "hero"

Honestly, I don't have a hero. But since I must choose, I would say that Quanah Parker is my public "hero".

Quanah was born from a white mother, Cynthia Ann Parker, and a Native American father, Comanche Chief Peta Nocona. He was the chief of the last plains tribe to "surrender" to white authority. The People looked up to him. Although he adjusted to the reservation life, it was a bloody journey. Quanah Parker was one of the few Chiefs to fully adjust to the so-called "American Way of Life". Quanah never signed a "peace-treaty", for he knew of the lies and false promises. He had to watch his people suffer from diseases and wars that the white men had brought. He, as well as many others, went through the unbearable ordeal of witnessing the end of the golden age of the Native Americans. He is one of my "heroes" for many reasons. But over all I think he was just a great guy(haha). A hero to many, a villain to some.

Yes, I am an American, but I am ashamed by our pass. Although my family originally does not come from America, I still respect the right of being able to live in this country. I think its just crazy that people from the east coast, who invaded these lands, thought that they owned the land. They thought that the Native Americans where "savages". I think that the people who were invading were the savages. They were the ones who were killing the Native Americans. But, of course the Native Americans fought back. Killing the invaders. Silly thing to do, fight fire with fire, but I don't think, from history, that the white men would have listened to them. Thinking that they were "savages", they thought they could be bribed with gifts. It's pathetic. I would love to live back then, before the arrival of white men, and live in peace with everyone and the earth. But I also love living in our times. Although there is still so much hate, pain, racism, sexism, etc. There probably will always be a point in time where at least one of these things are still in existence. Which I just can't understand. It's stupid and crazy.

Sorry, I can go off topic, and sound strange.

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

I'm glad you wrote this post because I've never heard of Quanah Parker before. Thanks for introducing me to him! I'd like to hear more specifically why some thought he was a villian.